Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Daniel 7: The Dream of Beasts

The group read through and discussed Daniel 7 this morning but a lot more discussion is ahead of us on this chapter. Mike Witzig shared with us that Daniel 7 is thought by some scholars to be one of the five most important chapters in the Bible. We discussed how the anti-Christ might be identified and the view that Satan, not knowing the time of the end, has to have a new anti-Christ for each generation and so there have been many and there will be more. I will always remember my grandmother Daisy's warning, "Watch out, the Devil is a gentleman." That warning served me well in business. We also discussed the comparison of this chapter to Daniel 2 and Nebuchadnezzar's dream wherein the Lion is Babylon, the Bear is Persia, the Leopard is Greece, and the Beast is Rome - but look at the terrible kingdoms that have come and gone since - more to discuss.

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1 comment:

Bartt said...

Great discussion. I am looking forward to digging deeper into this chapter next week.