Thursday, January 9, 2025


We accept Christ and our sins are forgive and yet we go on sinning; we now feel bad about it but we still do it. The question arrises, THOUGH YOU ACCEPTED CHRIST DO YOU STILL PAY SOME PRICE FOR CONTINUING TO SIN, perhaps an ailment or misfortune. While Christ cured a man at the Pool of Bethesda and later said to him (John 5:14): "...Sin no more lest, a worse thing come upon you," he also cured a man blind from birth but when asked who's sin caused his blindness, he said (John 9:3): "Neither this man nor his parents sinned," said Jesus, "but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him." Most of our group felt that our continuing to sin did not cause afflictions but some of the group had trouble accepting that there were no penalties for continuing to sin.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

We started the new year off by discussing the Roman Centurion's faith in Jesus; Matthew 8:8. It reminded us of Jesus' parable about wine skins, Mark 2:22; "You can't put new wine in old wine skins..." Some of us felt that was a reference to teaching Jews (old wine skins) who had so many man made rules that they struggled to accept Christ vs. the Centurion (a Gentile), who had few preconceptions to overcome and accepted Christ with faith and Jesus said, "Truly, I tell you, with no one in Israel have I found such faith"  This would seem to set the stage for millions of Gentiles accepting Christ while Israel still struggles.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Stumbling Blocks to Faith

Continuing to study Matthew 8 wherein we see Jesus telling those who say they want to follow him that perhaps it would be harder than than they think as they would have to put Christ before their family responsibilities. This same message can be found in Matthew 13 wherein Christ describes the many situations and events that can block your faith and your salvation. Given that no one but God is perfect, we know that we can only be saved through God's mercy, not by any action we take or fail to take.

Wednesday, December 11, 2024


If God wanted to, he could make us all worship him but worship is pointless unless it is voluntary so Jesus told us what to do and, being advised to forsake this World, we did so and are saved; yet many things puzzle us - why do little children and Christians come to harm? All we can do, as one of our members pointed out, is believe Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose." Also some pain is explained in verses like John 9:3 "...this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him." What complicates our group's evaluation of events is the Book of Job wherein we learn that Satan cannot harm us unless God allows it. Is all the pain and discomfort a test or a way of encouraging us to not love this world? We do take comfort from Matthew 9:20-22 wherein A woman touches Jesus and is healed and he says something we all need to remember: "Take heart, daughter, your faith has healed you." Perhaps we should have more faith in Jesus and less in doctors.  

Wednesday, December 4, 2024


We discussed Jesus not only curing the Centurion's servant but pointing out to those around him that the Centurion had more faith than the Jews and that the Jews were at risk of not being able to enter heaven. What makes this a prelude to Jesus accepting the Gentiles is that this Centurion of extraordinary faith was a Gentile, and his servant was healed at a distance - this was the first instance of someone being healed without coming into physicals contact with Jesus. This story of the healing in Capernaum is also told in Luke 7 with the variation that the Centurion asked Jewish elders to make the request for him.

Wednesday, November 27, 2024

False Prophets

We discussed false prophets and how to identify them. One of our members described ways to know you are dealing with a false prophet including that they teach a doctrine other than Christ, their behavior isn't Christian, and (most important), they forcaste things that don't come to pass. Some use tricks to get your attention (Matthew 24:23-25) and some try to divide the congregation (Romans 16:17-18).

We also discussed our continuing to sin even after we believe and are saved. 1 John 1:9 says that if we confess ours sins, he will forgive us or, as one member so succinctly put it, "We continue to sin but we feel bad about it and repent."

Wednesday, November 20, 2024

MATTHEW 7 - Prayer

We discussed God's promise to answer our prayers. The group felt that while you could pray for anything we should, like Solomon (1 Kings 3:11), ask for wisdom rather than wealth. Even Christ said, (Matthew 6:8), that we need not ask for material things, "God knows what we need."

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Don't Judge Others

We reviewed Matthew 7:1-5 today and were in agreement that it meant we are not better than anyone else, "no one is without sin" and we are; therefore, not in a position to judge anyone else's morality. Verse 7:6 was a little more difficult. It is clear that you shouldn't waste the word on anyone who isn't going to even consider it, but how do you know who will be receptive? Perhaps you can approach everyone and anyone and turn away if you get a disrespectful (disrespectful of God) rejection. One of our members also suggested that the Holy Spirit may guide you concerning who will not be receptive to the Lord's message.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024


Matthew 6 continued - God wants us to focus on him, not on earthly things and don't worry about those earthly needs and desires, if you believe in God, he will take care of you. 

Friday, November 1, 2024


In Matthew 9:14 and 2 Samuel 12:22 we discover that fasting can be a form of mourning. We discussed fasting and agreed that it was not required but it is beneficial; however, as Jesus pointed out, it needs to be done discreetly. The Jewish Pharisees did it to be revered by the people but if you want to be revered by God, is must be done without fanfare. You need not give up food to honor God, you can give up anything that you will miss to honor God. Similarly when you contribute to charity and the church, don't advertise it as pointed out in Luke 18. Interesting to note that in Malachi 3:10 we learn that the Lord said to test him concerning tithing and see if you don't gain from it.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024


We reviewed the Lords Prayer and agreed that it is not to be a mantra or a chant but rather a guide to praying. Each of our members had their own ideas about how to be guided. One member felt that it simply ment that you should:

Honor God

Thank God

Ask God for Forgiveness

Ask God for Guidance

There was considerable debate concerning Matthew 6:13 "...lead us not into temptation..." Some felt it suggested that God might lead us into temptation but other passages in the Bible suggest that God wouldn't do that. On the other hand the Greek translation could be read as "... please don't test us..." or allow us to be tested - as in the case of Job. This view seemed to meet with some agreement.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


Christ gave specific instructions on how to pray (Matthew 6:5); pray in private essentially praising God, thanking him for your existence and sustenance, remembering to forgive your enemies, and asking God to protect you from your own tendency to do evil and from the evil one but never forget that God's will is paramount; even Christ, when he prayed to God to "let this cup pass from me,'' added "yet not my will but yours be done." Further, it is pointed out in Luke 18:1-8 that we must persist; keep honoring, keep praying, keep thanking God for all that he does for you and has promised to do for you. When a situation arises that makes it appropriate to pray in front of others, as when we are in church or in a restaurant thanking God for a meal in public, be sure of your motivation; we pray to honor God, not to look pious. 


Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Matthew Warns Against Grandstanding

It is clear that bragging about your charitable giving is a bad idea yet last week we read in Matthew 5:16 that we are to "let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works..." Our group felt that the key to understand this possible conflict was motive; why are you showing others what you are doing? 

Charitable giving is a very interesting Christian duty and, unlike other Christian activities, it is the only one about which God said to put him to the test and that if you did it you would be rewarded now - Malachi 3:10 "...And thereby put me to the test, says the LORD of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need" So give and you will receive. 

We also discussed why bad things happen to good people and essentially determined that if you are a believer, you know better and just as it is said in Like 12:47 "...and that servant who knows his master's will, and did not prepare himself or do according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes." More stripes than the non-believer who didn't know what he was supposed to do. As Christians, more is expected of us.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Exceed the Requirments of the Old Testament

We discussed Jesus' requirements exceeding the directions of the old testament. He wasn't refuting the old testament, he was adding to it; creating the next step in our behavior - See Matthew 5:21-22 "You have heard that it was said to those of old, 'You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgement' but I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment."

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Turn The Other Cheek - Continued

Matthew 5:38-42 is hard to understand, no one wants to be a coward and let someone slap them around but perhaps this verse shouldn't be taken literally and it means that you should tolerate an insult a "slap in the face." Next, if someone is suing you, perhaps you have done something wrong and it would be best to settle out of court. Verse 41 talks about being compelled or forced to help someone; you should volunteer to help them more than they ask. The last one is the easiest, if someone wants to borrow from you, give to them.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Turn the Other Cheek

Matthew 5:38 References Exodus 21 (an eye for an eye...) which means you should not receive compensation more than your actual loss but Jesus said you shouldn't ask for any compensation. 

Matthew 5:38 also tells us that Jesus said not to resist evil; "turn the other cheek." We discussed when "enough is enough" and we essentially agreed that we should act to defend others if not ourselves. We also considered Israels recent response to Gaza's attack. More than 12,000 people have been killed in Gaza; is that revenge or a deterrent and if it is a deterrent, what does the Bible say about deterrents?

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Jesus said that lusting after a woman was the same as adultery; we puzzled about Jesus suggesting it would be better to gouge out an eye than to got to Hell. Our Ed Grant suggested that the metaphor means no sacrifice is too great to avoid your total destruction; to keep you from Hell. 

We also discussed Jesus having said not to swear by anything; ie "I swear to God." We should just answer yes or no. Bartt Stevens pointed out the there are events such as being sworn in to testify in court which are really just ritual and that concerning all these things, admiring women or taking an oath, we are judged bases on our objective or motive - there is a difference between admiring and lusting and a difference between swearing by something vs. just complying with an accepted protocol. 

We also discussed sin in general and agreed that all sins are equal. A person who, for example, has committed adultery can hardly look down on someone who is actively gay.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Killing vs. Murder

We discussed the difference between MURDER AND KILLING. For example, are soldiers damned for KILLING the enemy; is it MURDER? Our conclusion was that the difference is in motive. Have you KILLED to defend your family; that isn't murder. Exodus 22:2 says: "If the thief be found breaking in, and be smitten so that he dieth, there shall be no bloodguiltiness for him." The issue comes from the King James translation which reads: "...thou shalt not kill." This was later changed in the New King James version to "thou shalt not murder."

Friday, August 30, 2024

Matthew Chapter 5

We discussed Jesus' reference to salt and, among other things, felt that it referred to being an active Christian rather than a bland Christian. We also discussed the Bible's reference to showing your Christianity to the world which seemed at odds with passages that say you should not let your right hand know what your left hand is doing and yet Jesus said, "Let your light shine before men..." - like so many things in the world, it is all about your motivation. When you pray in a restaurant before you eat are you wanting people to see how great you are or how humble you are.

Friday, August 23, 2024

The Beatitudes

As we reviewed the beatitudes, the reference to Poor in Spirit gave rise to a lot of discussion. It would seem that the word SPIRIT in this context refers to an attitude rather than an entity; Poor in Spirit, limited pride, and a dependence on God. Thanks to our Bruce Belanger for some extra insight on this issue.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024


We read how Jesus asked Peter and others to follow him and how they dropped everything and went with him. At first we wondered if a person would just drop everything for someone who walked by and said "follow me" but we remembered that Andrew had seen Jesus with John the Baptist and told Peter that he was the Messiah (John 1:41) and, as one of our members pointed out, it was typical for a person ask a Rabbi if they could follow him and here we see a Rabbi (as identified by Andrew) inviting them to follow him; it would have been a great honor.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Jesus Baptiized & Later Meets with Satan

We discussed Satan's power; did he lie to Jesus when he said he could give him the kingdoms of the Earth? It is clear that Satan had some power on Earth (See 1 John 5:19 and 14:3) but our group believes that once you become a Christian, you are no longer of this world. Sadly, even though as a believer your sins are forgiven, there continues to be consequences of your sining and even though you are saved, you are not physically safe; 1 Peter 5:8 - Be sober-minded: be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. God gave Satan some power on Earth but our group believes that his power is limited by God. How much he has over us, who knows for as it is written in John 8:44 - ...he is a liar and the father of lies. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Some of our group commented on how unusual John the Baptist would have looked and wondered how he could attract so many in spite of his unusual appearance; however, he had to appear as he did to satisfy the prophecies of Isaiah (40: 3-5) and Malachi (3:1).

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Jesus is Born

As we discussed Jesus'childhood we wondered why Joseph and Mary stayed in Bethlehem and didn't go back to Nazareth. A logical reason, which I have seen acted out in my own time, is that Joseph and his family were from Bethlehem and, given that they just had a new child, perhaps they wanted to be near family. We also discussed how long they stayed in Bethlehem and Egypt. It is thought that Jesus was born around 6-4 BC and It is recognized that he was less than two when they fled to Egypt, given Herod's order to kill all the boys in Bethlehem under two years old and, given that Herod died around 4-1 BC, Jesus would have lived in Egypt about 2-3 years after which they returned home. 

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Book of Matthew

As we began the Book of Matthew we realized how difficult it was for Matthew to make a case for Jesus being both a child of God and the descendant of King David. Jesus was essentially adopted by Joseph, who's lineage reached back to King David, but was actually the son of God. Only 180,000 Jews call themselves Christians but there are over 2 billion non-Jewish Christians in the world to whom the lineage to David perhaps isn't very important.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


As we reviewed Acts 28 and Paul's continuing trip to Rome we discussed the gifts that believers can receive. Here are some of the biblical references:

Romans 12:6-8; 1 Corinthians 12:4-1, 12:8-10, and 12:38-30; and Ephesians 4:11.

It can also be said that Luke 17:6 trumps everything.

Wednesday, June 19, 2024


Paul's travel to Rome seems full of problems and delays, even life-threatening events, but through it all Paul and Luke were protected and, as our Bartt Stevens pointed out, it gave Paul an opportunity to spread the word to hundreds of people across the islands of the Mediterranean.


Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Case for Offering the Gentiles Salvation

ACTS 25-26: Jewish religious leaders were murderers; they not only wanted Paul dead but, in previous years, they had authorized Paul to arrest Jesus' followers to be killed - mass murder, no trial. It could be said that these verses are making the case for offering Christianity to the gentiles.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

God Keeps Paul Safe

Paul was arrested but given some liberty; his friends could come and go even though the Jewish leaders wanted him dead and the Roman leadership had little conscience when it came to killing. In that terrible environment, God kept Paul safe and unhurt. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Planning Murder

As we study ACTS and the Jewish Leaders plotting to murder Paul, we are reminded of their similar efforts to murder Jesus. Given their attachment to the Ten Commandments, it is odd that they plan murder as casually as I'd make out a grocery list. If they are the Chosen People, imagine what the other people of the time must have been like, including we Gentiles.